Adventure Centers Hawaii

To ensure that we can provide an inclusive and enriching experience for everyone, we kindly request your assistance in completing the qualifications questions below. Your responses will play a pivotal role in customizing our program to meet the diverse needs and aspirations of our community.  
This form has been thoughtfully designed to prioritize inclusivity and ensure that individuals with fewer means have equal access to this exciting activity. 

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Email *
Participant Questionnaire: Bridging Barriers Through Bouldering Program
Full Name - If Family, Family Name *
If more than one person in this application, please list all persons who are a part of this application
Age (or Ages) *
Email & / or Phone, or how can we get ahold of you   
Address if you have one

Select at least one of the following options to indicate your eligibility: 

This person/family was recommended by a community organization as a qualified individual. The community organization is:
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