Help us bring reusables to Bend!
Food service single-use waste has enormous environmental, economical, and social impacts. We have a huge opportunity to change this – preventing tons of waste and shifting our culture away from disposables. We are applying for a Oregon DEQ grant for Reuse Bend: a project with two complementary components to bring reuse to Central Oregon in a real, tangible, and impactful way.
  1. A reusable takeout container program similar to Rogue To Go.
  2. A reusables pilot for on-site dining at a food cart lot. 
Learn more on our blog. Through this form, we would love to hear your thoughts and/or note your support.
  • First, you can let us know what you think and what's important to you. 
  • Second, you have the option to sign-on as a supporter.
Both are separate and optional, so you are welcome to fill one or the other, or both. If you have any questions, please reach out to Thank you!
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Where do you live?
Would you buy into a reusable container program (with a one-time fee around $10)?
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How important would each of these be to you? (1 not at all, 5 extremely)
Cost of container
Material of container
Participating food places
Availability outside of Bend
Usability for home meals
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Anything else we missed that would be important, or would you like to expand on your answer above?
Would you like to see reusables for on-site dining piloted at a food cart lot?
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If you are an owner of a food service business and interested in discussing this project, please leave your contact info. (Or if you know someone who is, have them email
Do you have any other thoughts or comments on this initiative, or ideas on how we can make our food service sector more sustainable?
If you would like to sign on with your support for this project, Reuse Bend, please fill out the optional questions below. We will include all the signatories on a letter of support for the materials management grant to Oregon DEQ.
First Name
Last Name
If you'd like to sign on as an org or business, please provide the name of the entity and your role
If you are interested in participating in any other way, please select how below.
Thank you!
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