Merit Badge Instructor Application Application
Event:  Tidewater University of Scouting 2024
Date:  Saturday 3/9/2024
Location:  Old Dominion University
President:  Keegan Daley <>
Description:  University of Scouting is working to provide an opportunity to young people attending to work on Merit Badges during the day. This is not able to be done without the assistance of Merit Badge Counselors, we thank you for your dedication to the Scouting Program. 
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Preferred Contact Method *
What Merit Badges are you a counselor for?  *
What Merit Badges would you be interested in teaching at UofS? *
Other relevant experience.
Primary Scouting Unit & Position
Have you previously attended a University of Scouting? *
Briefly describe your Scouting experience.
What else should we know about you?
What improvements or new activities would you like to see this year? 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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