"The Journey to Loving Yourself"
This is an all day event for the youth of BFF and their friends to teach them to know, and love themselves in all aspects.

Throughout the day their will be sessions with special BFF/guest speakers on these topics:
 - Mind, Body, and Soul
 - Suicide
 - Gun Safety
 - Sex
 - Drugs/Prison System

The day will begin with sign-in at 9:00am and will end at 6:00pm with parent/guardian pickup. There will be food breaks and downtime throughout the day. All food and beverage will be provided by BFF.

Our goal is to educate our youth on these topics so they better understand, cherish, and love themselves and their worth, and to know that are loved by us, the church, and Christ! We chose these topics to reach our youth with the topics that come up in their daily lives.

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Due to the nature of the content we will be covering throughout the day, we'd like to confirm everyone's consent to their child(ren) attending. If you consent to your children attending and participating in this conference, please check the appropriate box below. *
Please complete the registration for you child(ren) below!
Parent/Guardian name(s): *
Child's First and Last Name *
Child's Age? *
Additional Siblings and their ages? (List names/ages of all other siblings attending. Ex. Steven/12, Michael/8, etc...)
Any known allergies, food/otherwise? *
Best contact number? (May be used for event contact and emergencies) *
Best contact email? *
Please enter your contact address? *
If you'd like to share any information, volunteer, or give any feedback to our youth department and their leaders, please do so below. Let us know how we can help you and your child(ren).
Please list all feedback below:
We're looking forward to seeing and serving our youth at our conference!
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