Donation Receipt 捐款收據
Thank you so much for your generous donation. Every donation big or small will go a long way to supporting Mind HK's service to ensure no one has to face a mental health problem alone.

Donations over HK$100 are tax deductible with official receipts. If you need a donation receipt, simply fill in the following form and upload the donation record. We will send you a receipt by email within 14 working days.

Please note that we are unable to provide receipts for cash donations made in our donation boxes. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

if you have any queries relating to the donation receipt, Please contact our Finance Manager Florence Wong at


所有金額多於100 HKD的善款可用於扣稅用途。如你需要一張正式收據作扣稅之用,請填妥以下表格,並提供捐款紀錄,我們將於收妥表格後14個工作天內把收據電郵給你。

請留意我們不能為籌款箱內的現金捐款提供收據,敬請諒解。如你有任何有關收據的疑問,請電郵至 與我們的財務經理 Florence 聯絡。
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