Volunteer Registration Form
Complete this registration form to assist with Commute Options programs!
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Full Legal Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Physical Address
Mailing Address (if different than physical)
Emergency Contact Name: *
Emergency Contact Phone Number: *
I am interested In: (check all that apply) *
Safe Routes to School and Walking School Bus Volunteers: Have you completed and submitted the background check? If yes indicate, what school district you completed your background check for. *
Contact your school district or info@commuteoptions.org for the access codes required to complete the background check. Do not proceed until you have submitted your background check approval to info@commuteoptions.org
How did you hear about volunteering for Commute Options? *
What prior experiences do you have that will help us match you with volunteer opportunities? *
Please provide any additional information you would like for us to know. Do you have a particular school or event in mind to volunteer with? Are there times of days or days of the week that are best for you?
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