Worldbuilding Magazine Art Showcase Application
We try to feature at least one artist in every issue, whose work is in some way related to worldbuilding. Think you’ve got something worth showing off? Sign up, and we’ll review it! If we decide to feature your work, we'll reach out to confirm the arrangements with you.

We are looking for work rated PG-13 at maximum, or can be considered safe for work. Artists will be credited, and retain all rights to their work. We are looking to publish original works, not images related to other published works (no fanart).
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
This can be your real name, username, or a pen name. When the interview commences we'll be in touch to make sure we're crediting you with the name you would like, so you can change it at that point as well.
Contact Information *
Whatever is the easiest way to contact you. An email address or Discord username (ie: John#1234 — Make sure you include the four numbers as part of your Discord name) is preferred.
Website/Portfolio *
Samples to Feature
Pick out 1-3 samples you'd specifically like us to feature in the magazine.
Worldbuilding *
Please describe how your art is connected to or incorporates worldbuilding. The more detail you provide the more descriptive we can make your showcase.
How did you hear about the showcase? *
Internet, subreddit, Discord, etc.
Thanks for applying!
You may only apply once. If you have questions please direct them to us at Worldbuilding Magazine. You can find our Discord server here:

If you would like to review past issues of Worldbuilding Magazine you may do so at

Looking to get more involved? We're always seeking additional writing, editing, and art staff to help us publish these issues. Join our Discord server or email us at and ask about how to apply.
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