2024 New Producer Inquiry

Thank you for your interest in the Phoenixville Farmers' Market!

The Market opened in 2002, and has gained widespread acceptance and community support.

We are a mature market and have a full line-up of farmers and artisan food producers, so we have very few openings for new vendors. We keep all applicant information and will contact you if we are looking for your product.  

Located in downtown Phoenixville, we are a a grower/producer market whose mission is to:

* Support local farms and preserve local agriculture
*Improve community health through nutrition education
*Increase access to fresh, nutritious food
*Encourage the development of a local, sustainable economy
* Build community in downtown Phoenixville

****If you plan to sell any food items other than unprocessed fruits or vegetables, you will need a license from The Chester County Health Department or the PA Department of Agriculture.  Please DO NOT FILL IN THIS APPLICATION UNTIL YOU HAVE THE PROPER LICENSING.  Check this link to see whether you need a license- http://www.chesco.org/918/Farmers-Market-Guidelines

If you grow or make a product that fulfills our mission and you would like to join our market, please fill in the information below.

We will review your information and contact you if your products help us fulfill our mission,


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Name *
Farm/Business Name *
Email Address
Mailing Address *
Farm/Business Address
If different from mailing address
If you have one
If you have one
Business/Product Description *
Please tell us about the products you make or grow, including a product list and decritption of your production methods (ie. organic, sustainable, ipm)
What other markets, if any. do you attend?
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