Volunteer Application
Thank you so much for your interest in volunteering for Mental Health America of Greenville County's (MHAGC) Crisis Intervention Services (CIS). We're very proud of our team of volunteers, who come from widely diverse backgrounds and experiences, and we're excited to explore adding you to the team!

Please be sure to visit mhagc.org/volunteer to view the sample training schedule and FAQ document for a better understanding of the commitment required to volunteer.

We'd like to note that our volunteers deal with sensitive issues on our crisis lines, so this application is meant to help us assess potential fit and readiness for these difficult conversations. We'd like to stress that there are some questions that require in-depth personal reflection - any answer you give is welcomed and does not guarantee nor exclude your involvement with CIS. Your answers simply help us gauge your strengths and needs so we can best understand how we might support you in your work on the lines. Because your replies keep us informed on the effectiveness of this application, we encourage not only your sincere responses to the questions, but also your reactions to the questions themselves.

If you need any assistance as you complete this application , please email volunteer@mhagc.com or call 864-467-3344 x2209 to speak with the Volunteer Coordinator. Please visit www.mhagc.org if you would like more information on our programs, and visit 988sc.org to learn more about one of South Carolina's two 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline Centers.

This application is confidential.
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