Property Information FormĀ 
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Homeowner Name *
Address *
Postcode *
Official registered address (new builds) * if appropriate
Homeowner Phone number
Homeowner Email
Does the home owner intend to claim any funding?
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Installer Name
Installer Contact Number
Installer Email
Preferred heat pump manufacturer?
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How is the property used?
Is the property?
Do you have architectural drawings for the property / renovations?
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Is the property listed or in a conservation area?
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Age of the property?
Property Type?
How many floors in the property?
Total number of rooms in the property, including Hallways, Landings & Bedrooms?
Number of bedrooms in the property?
How many people live in the property?
Any plans to extend the property in the future?
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Is the property on the gas grid?
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Does the property have any other renewables?
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Existing way the property is heated?
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Existing heating methods for the property? *Select all that apply
Intended heating methods for the property? *Select all that apply
Underfloor heating pipe space *if appropriate
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Flooring used with Underfloor heating *If appropriate
Please specify if any rooms have different or multiple floor coverings
Preferred Radiator manufacturer *If appropriate
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Preferred model of radiator?
Any other comments?
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