SCRED Mobile Device - App Request Form
Complete this form to request the the purchase of a new paid for or free app for your mobile device (e.g. MacOS laptop, iOS (iPad/iPhone), Chromebook).
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
App Name *
App URL (Full Website Address) *
 This could be apps from the Apple Store (MacOS & iOS), Chrome Webstore, or MacOS, or Google Play Store
Type of Device *
Inventory Number of Device *
Inventory number is a barcode sticker on the device in the format (A######). This does not apply to iPhones or chrome add-on/extensions. Please indicate that here instead of including the inventory number.
Will this app be used by staff or students? *
What is the state standard/academic purpose and how will this app be used?
What is individual cost for this app?
If this is a "Free" app, please indicate that below.
If you have any specific questions regarding the purchase or distribution of this app, please comment below.
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