CorionX DeFi Application form
Happy to get in touch with you. Please fill out the application form and we will contact you soon.
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E-mail: *
What do you want to apply for? *
Is your token already trading or circulating? *
Is your project a fair launch? If not how many tokens are allocated to Team or Ecosystem? *
What budget (in USD) are you willing to provide for Farming and Staking Pool? *
Project name *
Token ticker *
Project website *
Token contract address *
Please provide a summary of how your project works and what it’s trying to solve *
Have your smart contracts been audited yet? *
What are the token economics? Do you have a token distribution schedule? *
Link to an .SVG file of your project's token logo. All logos must be in SVG or other vector format, not PNG or JPEG. A link to brand guidelines including SVGs is also acceptable. *
How can we contact you? (Email or TG @) *
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