Sogorea Te' Land Trust Inquiry Form 2025
Thank you for being wanting to connect with our team. 

If you are inquiring about a speaker for a future date, please fill out this form with as much information as possible about your request, and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

We ask for engagements to be requested 4+ weeks in advance.
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Email *
Name *
Date *
Phone number
Can this request take place in a virtual format?  *
What kind of request is this? *
Please describe your request (what kind of event, interview, project, consultation, collaboration, etc are you looking for a speaker for? What is the topic? Be as specific as possible) *
Tell us about your organization, group, institution, corporation, etc. (if applicable) *
What is the date of your request? *
What is the time of your request? *
Are there other dates and times that would work? *
If applicable, how many attendees will be present? *
To continue this work sustainably speakers are compensated for their time at a sliding scale of $150-$350 for community groups, institutional and corporate rates vary $500+ sliding scale.  For long term projects/collaborations, requiring multiple meetings or consultations, please provide your financial contribution per hour (recommended $300+ sliding scale). Please estimate your expected financial contribution: *
Will you require a tech check or preliminary meeting for this request? Or a series of preliminary meetings? If so, please provide preferred dates/times and any further information. *
Is there any other information that you would like to let us know ?
Thank you!
Please note that we are not always able to accommodate all requests, and will get back to you as soon as we can!
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