Registration for CRCS Seminar Series
Please fill out this form to register for the Harvard CRCS Seminar Series. You will be added to a distribution list for the series and will receive Zoom links for each session.

The seminar will be held on Mondays during the academic year from 11 AM - 12 PM Eastern. The schedule of events, including speaker bios and seminar abstracts, can be found here:

We also appreciate responses to the additional questions on background and interests, which will help us better understand the composition of seminar attendees.

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Email address *
Name *
Institution or Organization *
The next optional questions will be about your background and interests. Please fill them out to help us better understand the composition of seminar attendees.
What is your role in your organization?
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Primary application area(s) of interest
Primary methodological area(s) of interest
Please subscribe me to the CRCS email newsletter:
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