2018 Marching Band and Color Guard Registration Form
For Marching Band and Color Guard participants, please fill out this form in its entirety.  Included in this form are the following: the Student-Parent Information Section, the Photo/Consent Form, the Uniform Order Form, the Concussion Policy, and ordering of tee shirts.  You will be billed for items/uniform fee via email and can pay via PayPal or via check on the first day of Band Camp, August 13th, 2018.  Also, don't forget to SUBMIT!
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Student First Name *
Enter Student First Name
Student Last Name *
Enter Student Last Name
Year of Graduation *
What Section are you in?
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Student E-mail address *
E-mail address of Student.
Student Cell Phone # *
Cell phone number of student.
Home Phone # (s) *
Parent / Guardian Phone number (s)
Number and street address of primary residence. *
Parent / Guardian Names *
Parent/Guardian E-mail address(es).   *
E-mail addresses of Parent/Guardians, separated by a comma.
Parent/Guardian E-mail address for Billing purposes.  If more than one party is to be invoiced, please indicate party here. *
E-mail addresses of Parent/Guardians, separated by a comma.
My family is new to the Marching Band or Color Guard.  I'd love to meet with other experienced parents to see what this is all about.  If you select Yes, the Music Association will contact you with meeting information.
Photo/Video Consent Form *
By being a member of the North Andover Music Program, you are often photographed and videotaped during rehearsals and performances.   Many of these pictures and movies are  then used in the high school's fine arts program, newspapers, slideshows, on the school website and other secure websites.  We will not post any individual pictures/films involving your child without your consent.
Parent signature *
By entering your name you give consent to your signature.
Tee Shirt Size
The Marching Band Tee Shirt, designed by a student, is $10.  Voting on the winning design will happen during the first week of school for delivery of shirts by the end of September.   If you desire a tee shirt, please select your size.
Additional Marching Band Tee Shirt
If you would like to order an additional Marching Band Tee Shirt (maybe a parent would enjoy some "Fan Wear"), they are $10. Please select a size.
Band Polo Shirt *
The Band Polo Shirt is used for select events, such as the All Town Band Festival and Memorial Day Parade. It is $20.
Black Gloves for band members, white for Drum Majors only.  They are $5.  Percussionists do not need gloves.
Gloves part 2
I'd love a backup pair of gloves and would like to order another for $5.
Marching Band Shoes *
If you need a new pair of Marching Band Shoes, order them here.  Dinkles are the brand of Marching Band shoes we use, and they are required by all marching members. Dinkles are $26.95 for a pair.
Shoe Size for Dinkles. Remember, you MUST have the Dinkles brand shoe for Marching Band Performance.
Please enter your size.  Half-Sizes from 5.5 to 12.5.  Wide options are on the list.
The uniform fee is $20; the fee is for members of Marching Band to maintain and repair uniforms, and for Color Guard to receive uniforms. *
Select Marching Band or Color Guard.
Concussion Policy *
 The purpose of this policy is to provide information and standardized procedures for persons involved in the prevention, training management and return to activity decisions regarding students who incur head injuries while involved in extracurricular athletic activities including, but not limited to, interscholastic sports, in order to protect their health and safety as required by Massachusetts law and regulations. The requirements of the law apply to all public middle and high schools, however configured, serving grades six through high school graduation. In addition to any training required by law, the following persons shall annually complete one of the head injury safety training programs approved by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) as found on its website: coaches; certified athletic trainers; trainers; volunteers; school and team physicians; school nurses; athletic directors; directors responsible for a school marching band; employees or volunteers; and students who participate in an athletic extracurricular activity and their parents.  Upon the adoption of this policy by the School Committee, the Superintendent shall ensure that DPH receives an affirmation on school district letterhead that the district has developed policies and the School Committee has adopted a final policy in accordance with law. This affirmation shall be updated by September 30, 2013 and every two years thereafter upon review or revision of its policies. The Superintendent shall maintain or cause to be maintained complete and accurate records of the district’s compliance with the requirements of the Concussion Law, and shall maintain the following records for three years or, at a minimum, until the student graduates, unless state or federal law requires a longer retention period:  1. Verifications of completion of annual training and receipt of materials;  2. DPH Pre-participation forms and receipt of materials  3. DPH Report of Head Injury Forms, or school based equivalents  4. DPH Medical Clearance and Authorization Forms, or school based equivalents  5. Graduated reentry plans for return to full academic and extracurricular athletic activities  This policy also applies to volunteers who assist with extracurricular athletic activities. Such volunteers shall not be liable for civil damages arising out of any act or omission relating to the requirements of law, unless such volunteer is willfully or intentionally negligent in his act or omission. If a student sustains a head injury or concussion during the season, but not while participating in an extracurricular athletic activity, the parent shall complete the Report of Head Injury Form and submit same to the school nurse.  Students who plan to participate in extracurricular athletic activities and their parents must complete and sign the pre-participation medical form prior to each season of participation. The questionnaire will be distributed through the athletic department and may also be obtained in the health office. The questionnaire will be reviewed by the school nurse prior to athletic participation. The school nurse will provide appropriate follow-up when necessary. Annually, students are also required to provide a physical exam to the school nurses’ office. No student shall be medically cleared for extracurricular athletic activities until the school nurse has reviewed both the questionnaire and physical exam. The school nurse shall consult with the school physician as necessary regarding a student’s medical history and or eligibility. NAPS may use a student’s history of head injury or concussion as a factor to determine whether to allow the student to participate in an extracurricular athletic activity or whether to allow such participation under specific conditions or modifications. A NAPS multidisciplinary team will develop a plan for the student’s return to play. This team may consist of athletic trainer, school nurse, school physician, teaching staff, guidance counselor, primary care physician or physician managing the student’s recovery, and parent. The plan shall include the academic recovery plan, any recommendations from the physician and comply with the return to play protocol. Students must be symptom free and medically cleared in order to return to play.     I have read and understand the North Andover Public School concussion policy and agree to follow all policies and procedures contained within.  Parent Signature
Concussion Policy Student Signature *
Would you like to add a donation to the North Andover Music Association?  It's tax deductible and all money stays within the school district to provide support for all music programs.  You will be provided a tax letter and your name will appear in the Music Awards Ceremony program at the end of the year.  Thank you!
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On September 29th, North Andover hosts a Band Competition (18 Bands are signed up already!!).  If you'd like to place a business advertisement or personal "Best Wishes" Advertisement for your band student, let us know and we'll send you the information. We expect 1000 people will see the program, and we accept photos too!
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I'm able to help out in planning and/or working the Marching Band event on September 29th.  Add me to your list of potential volunteers.  I know I'll hear from you :)
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If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to comment below.  Please hit SUBMIT for form to be processed.
PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR WEBSITE to receive weekly schedule updates and other important information.  www.northandovermusic.org  All information included in "Remind" will be posted on the website for referral. *
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