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2020 Ballard Jazz Festival Volunteer Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the 2020 Ballard Jazz Festival.
Please fill out in the form below and someone will contact you. Thanks!
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* Indicates required question
Your answer
Your Email Address
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Cell Phone Number
Your answer
What type of jazz do you like?
This helps us find you a venue where you would enjoy the music.
Your answer
When are you available?
check all that apply
Friday, May 29 (noon - 5pm) - Jazz Walk Set-up
Friday, May 29 (5 - 8:30pm) - Jazz Walk
Friday, May 29 (8:00 - Midnight) - Jazz Walk and cleanup
Saturday, May 30 (3 - 6pm) - Concert Set-up
Saturday, May 30 (6 - 10:30pm) - Concert
Are you over 21 years old
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