Climate Adaptation for Land Trusts - Short Course
Thank you so much for your participation in the June 2021 short course on Climate Adaptation for Land Trusts!

We appreciate all of the time and work that you put into the course, and we'd love your feedback to help improve on this model and plan for future offerings.

Please fill out the following questions on an INDIVIDUAL basis; if you worked through this course as part of a group, we'd like to have feedback from each person separately. All questions are optional and comments will remain anonymous.

If you have limited time, please complete Section 1. If you have a few more minutes, we'd love your input on section 2. We expect the full questionnaire to take about 10 minutes to complete.
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Please rate your knowledge of the following, post-course.
Strongly disagree
Somewhat disagree
Somewhat agree
Strongly agree
I am familiar with the basics of climate science
I understand how climate change is likely to affect my region of the U.S.
I can explain how climate change might impact the properties I manage.
I can identify viable climate change adaptation strategies that can be applied to my local area.
I feel comfortable with my ability to help species and ecosystems adapt to climate change.
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The MOST USEFUL or BEST part of the course was...
The LEAST USEFUL or WORST part of the course was...
Please provide any comments on the course format (e.g. length of sessions, lecture vs. discussion) or the course materials (e.g. adaptation quick guide).
How likely are you to take the following actions?
Not likely
Probably not
Neutral/Not sure
Hoping to
Use the Adaptation Quick Guide at another property in the next year?
Implement the adaptation tactics you developed in your field activity (Step 4)?
Share what you learned at this training with others?
Take a multi-week Adaptation Planning and Practices course that goes through the Adaptation Workbook in more detail?
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Are there other courses or trainings that NIACS and the Land and Climate program could offer to help you integrate climate change into your work?
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