St. Andrew's Christmas Flowers 2024
One of the duties of St. Andrew’s Altar Guild is to decorate our worship space for special services, including Advent and Christmas. We invite you to support the Altar Guild with an honorary or memorial Christmas Flower Offering. The bulletin for Christmas Eve worship will list all donors and dedications.

All gifts need to be received no later than Sunday, December 15.

Thank you for your support of our efforts to make Christmas feel especially joyful.

Note: You do not have to log in to a Google account to complete this form; you may jump right to answering the questions below. 

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Email *
Donor's First and Last Name as it should be listed in the bulletin: *
Please provide a phone number or email address where we can reach you if we have questions about your donation: *
Memorial Gifts:  If your donation is given in memory of someone, provide the name of the person to be remembered.     
Honorary Gifts:  If your donation is given in honor of someone, provide the name of the person to be honored.     
Donations are accepted online and by check. Please indicate your method of payment: *
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
2105 W. Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403  +  336-275-1651
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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