2027 - 2037 Wyoming Statewide Historic Preservation Plan: Initial Survey
Participating in this survey will help inform the goals and challenges in the 2027 - 2037 statewide historic preservation plan. If you have any questions, please contact: Gwendolyn Kristy @ 307-766-5366
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Where do you live? Please list town and state.  *
What is your sex?  *
Which age group do you fall into?  *
How do you feel about historic preservation in Wyoming? 
Clear selection
How familiar are you with the term "historic preservation"? 
Not familiar at all
I am an expert in historic preservation
Clear selection
What field are you a professional in? 
Clear selection
Were you aware that Wyoming has Statewide Historic Preservation Plan? 
Clear selection
Which of the following issues do you see as having no impact, moderate impacts, or severe impacts to historic preservation in Wyoming? 
No Impact
Low Impact
Moderate Impact
High Impact
Severe Impact
Development (oil, gas, urban growth, etc.)
Lack of funding
Lack of awareness/education
Lack of political support
Lack of programs
Natural disasters/climate change
Lack of economic incentives
Please rank the importance of protecting the following cultural resource types: 
Not at all important
Slightly important
Fairly important
Very Important
Archaeological sites
Sacred sites
Buildings (Courthouses, schools, residences)
Ranching, homesteading, and rural landscapes
Industrial sites (mining, military, agricultural)
Archival collections and artifacts
How important do you think it is to develop historic contexts for the listed themes? Themes that already have contexts prepared are not listed; these themes can be viewed on our website: https://wyoshpo.wyo.gov/index.php/programs/planning-historic-contexts
Not at all important
Slightly important
Fairly important
Very important
I don't know
Women's History
Timber Extraction
Trails & Migration Corridors
Modern Architecture (post-1945)
Contact Era Cultural Resources
Resource Extraction (oil and gas, coal, trona, etc.)
Prehistoric Cultural Resources
Clear selection
Which of the following resources or tools could help you be more  engaged with historic preservation in Wyoming? Select as many as apply.  *
What State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) administered programs are you aware of? Check all that apply.
What are the most significant challenges to preserving historic places in your community? 
Which groups do you think are most underrepresented or under-documented in Wyoming's historical narratives? These groups are based on the US Census Bureau's designations. Check all that apply. 
If you selected "other" for the above question, please elaborate. 
Do you think that increased legislation and/or policy regarding historic preservation in Wyoming would be beneficial?
Clear selection
What kinds of heritage tourism would have the greatest impact on your community? 
No Impact
Minimal Impact
Moderate Impact
High Impact
State Archaeological/Historic Sites
Monuments and Markers
Walking tours/self-guided tours
Informational brochures
Cultural Events
Digital Opportunities (YouTube, Virtual Reality)
Active Learning (archaeological excavations, bricks and mortar projects, etc.)
Downtown Revitalization
Federally recognized areas (Nat'l Historic Landmarks, Nat'l Heritage Areas)
How effective do you think the following actions are for promoting cultural heritage and historic preservation in your community? 
Not Effective
Somewhat Effective
Fairly Effective
Highly Effective
Social Media
Cultural Events
Is there any further information you would like to share with us? 
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