Sign up for dialogue moderator training
Thank you so much for your interest in becoming a dialogue moderator with Project Optimist's conversation program: Shades of Purple.

We're holding our dialogue moderator training from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, April 29. It will be online. 

We will hold another training later this year. All dialogue moderators will need to be trained by Essential Partners before they can serve in that role. 

This is a volunteer role, but we are able to cover some travel costs for in-person events (including mileage reimbursement at 65.5 cents/mile). We have some stipends available for people who want to serve in this position and need financial support to do so. 

Please complete the information below. Doing so completes your registration for the training.

Weve asked demographic information in an effort to train a cross-section of people who mirror the diversity of our state.

Thank you for your participation!
Email *
First and last name *
Phone number *
If you're part of a group partnering with Project Optimist on a dialogue, please name your group here.  *
Are you able to attend the April 29 training for the full four hours? *
How confident are you that you will be able to guide conversations that may become emotional or uncomfortable? *
Are there any topics that you are not comfortable moderating? *
What skills, values or ways of being do you bring to being an effective dialogue moderator? (This will help in the training.) *
What is your greatest concern about moderating dialogues on important topics across differences? (This will help in the training.) *
Are you available to moderate an in-person dialogue on Saturday, May 13 from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Stearns History Museum in St. Cloud? *
Demographic questions
Race *
Ethnicity *
Gender *
Sexual Orientation *
Age *
Do you have a disability -- visible or invisible? *
Are you a veteran or member of the U.S. military? *
Are you a caregiver to someone in your home (e.g. child, elderly relative) *
Zip code *
Thank you!
Thanks for completing the form. We'll be in touch with details on the training via email. Your answers to these questions will not be shared outside the organization except in aggregated form. 
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