Help out in Project Kamp
Hi! Thanks for wanting to help out (: In case you couldn't tell from the videos project Kamp is still in a very early and RAW state. We have very basic infrastructure. We'd love to provide you with a place to stay but we haven't got a house yet. hehe. So you either need to bring a tent or a van.

Current tasks can be found here:
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What is your name? *
What is your email? *
Which country are you currently in? *
How old are you? *
Which task are you signing up for? *
The less boxes you check and more specific you are the easier it is for us to find a place for you. Stay focused :)
Just double checking. Did you read the description for the task? *
Do you have any experience with the task? If so, tell us a bit more about it *
You have any Social media or portfolio online? Send over those URLS. *
This is quite important for us to make a good informed choice
From which date are you available *
How long could you stay? *
Would you be able to stay longer than the project you are applying for? *
Are you aware Project Kamp is still very....raw? *
Tell us a bit more what brings you to Project Kamp *
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