Volunteer Form
Thank you for your interest in helping our rescue felines through volunteering. There are so many ways you can support our mission and those rescues/shelters we partner with. You must be 15 years of age or more and have a signed waiver/release. You must watch the orientation video once approved and attend an in person training.

Who are we looking for? 
A network of volunteers who will socialize our rescue felines, help with transportation, cleaning/sanitizing, general cleaning, food/water/litter, wellness checks and other special projects. 
Email *
Name, Age, Phone # *
Timeframes (are not exact)availability  to help
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The perks of being a volunteer include $10 entry for each month you help. 20 percent off all our SWAG and store items. 
This doesn't appeal to me.
This is awesome.
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Length of commitment you are willing to make?
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Why do you want to volunteer with us? *
Have you volunteered for or with an animal rescue or association prior? *
Do you have pets now and if so what kind?
Do you have any physical, emotional or health issues we need to know about? *
Have you been convicted of any legal misdemeanor or any type of animal abuse in the past or present? *
Here are some ways volunteers can help. Click on all that you are interested in. 
By submitting this form you agree to the following; This volunteer agreement is entered into as of the date set forth below. 1. The Volunteer has voluntarily contacted CCC to express interest in working with cats or for the interest of the rescue cats. The volunteer is fully aware of the risks that animals pose and have elected to possibly interact with rescue animals and knowingly assumes all risks that exposure to animals may pose, including but not limited to serious bodily injury or even death. 2. The volunteer hereby WAIVES, releases discharges, holds harmless and agrees to indemnify/not bring any suits against CCC or its affiliates for any reason. A legal form will need to be signed once confirmed.  *
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