Sponsorship Application for Ranger's Refuge
Thank you for becoming a sponsor of an animal at Ranger's Refuge at Gallastar in honor or Richa & Alex ♥︎

First, make sure you browse our featured animals, to select who you'd like to sponsor!
Then, fill out this application.
Finally, when you submit your application, a note will pop up on your screen to be redirected to our PayPal page, where you can make your sponsorship contribution.

For being a fantastic sponsor, we'll also send you a certificate of sponsorship, a letter from your sponsor animal,  a post of appreciation on our Facebook page (if you'd like, feel free to email or Facebook message us a photo of yourself for this- especially if it's a photo of you and your sponsor animal!), and a spot on the Wall of Appreciation on our website.

If you have any questions about this form  or sponsorship in general, please contact rangersrefuge@gmail.com.
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Name *
Who would you like to sponsor? (Featured animals in need of sponsors can be viewed here: https://rangersrefugeatgallastar.com/richa-%26-alexs-wedding ) *
Mailing address *
Select the level of sponsorship that you'd like to commit to: *
Would you like this sponsorship to be: *
If the sponsorship is in any way for someone else, would you like the certificate of sponsorship made out to that person? If so, what is their name?
What does sponsoring mean to you?
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