HomeWall Alpha
Given the early stage of HomeWall, I am only able to accept a limited number of testers while being able to respond effectively to bugs and issues that arise. Availability will expand over time as I deem it possible to manage.

Your email address is required so that I may send TestFlight invites if you are accepted.

Please make sure that you are following @homewallapp or me, @aaron_pearce on Twitter for updates as the app changes over time and that you will read release notes as versions ship.
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Email *
HomeWall is an iPad only app that requires iOS 13. Do you have access to an iPad running iOS 13? *
What iPad models do you have access to? *
May I have your full name? *
What do you plan to use HomeWall for? *
Do you have any previous experience with testing iOS apps? *
Will you report bugs or issues as you find them while also reading release notes to ensure you are up to date? *
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