Join the Database of Long Distance Cycle Journeys (LDCJ)
If you have completed a bike tour of 10,000km (6,000 miles) or more - in a single trip - then we would love to have you contribute to our growing online resource.

- A SINGLE TRIP: We appreciate that bike tours can involve lots of stopping and starting but a trip registered here should be a single, reasonably continous journey (i.e. not broken up over several, separate holidays).

- ONGOING TRIPS: As long as you've already covered the 10,000km then it's fine to register an ongoing trip. You can update it again later.

- MULTIPLE TRIPS: If you have done more than one such trip (lucky you) then you can either just pick one of your journeys or complete the form more than once. Please don't combine them though.

Thank you!

Laura & Tim.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Number of riders *
If a teammates' route differed then they merit a separate entry
Names of all riders *
Nationality of rider(s) *
Gender of rider(s)
Name of trip (if any)
For example: "World Cycle 2013"
Is your trip still ongoing now?
Most submissions are from people who have finished their journey. However, you are welcome to complete the questionnaire now if you have already cycled 10,000km on your current trip.
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When did you depart? *
When did you finish?
If you have not yet finished, use today's date. For subsequent questions, just answer based on what you have already done. You can update your answers later.
What was the TOTAL cost per person?
Please don't include pre-trip costs (e.g. equipment) or put a cost per day. Specify currency in the next question.
What currency have you used for the previous question?
It's really helpful if you can use one of the currencies listed below (but not the end of the world if you can't!)
Clear selection
Total distance (km) *
Where did you go on your trip… Europe? *
Africa? *
Australasia? *
North America? *
South America? *
Asia? *
If you cycled in Asia, where did you go?
Would you describe your trip as "round the world"? *
Make and model of bicycle *
Type of bike *
Choose the option which best describes your bike
Type of gears *
Type of handlebars *
What pedals did you use? *
Just select the type you used most often
Type of brakes *
Wheel size *
How did you primarily carry your luggage? *
If you have a website, put the address below
Please start with "http://www."
If you have a route map online, add the link
Please start with "http://www."
If you have a kit list online, add the link
Please start with "http://www."
If you have written a book about your trip, put the name below
Feel free to include URLs for where it can be purchased online
How would you summarise your trip in a single, short sentence? *
e.g. "UK to Australia through Middle East and South East Asia", "Round the world record attempt" or "4 years aimless travelling, mostly around Asia"
Your email address *
Not published. Just for us to contact you and nothing else.
Any other comments
Do you know anyone else that should be in our database?
If so, please provide their name and/or contact details.
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