Fun Splash Swim School New class registration form
For Passion card members, NTUC card holders and ACTIVESG membership, the regular fee is $88 monthly. Lesson time is 45minutes.
Non passion card or  Non-NTUC card members, the fees is $98 monthly. 
Registration fee:
There will be a registration fee of $30 for new sign ups. Upon registration you will receive an exclusive swim cap from us.
Lessons are conducted rain or shine. No lessons on Public holiday. Students are required to do on land training to develop psychomotor skills and water safety theory if the pool is close due to bad weather. All land training will be conducted under shelter.)
Fun Splash membership card entitles our students to have a lifetime stroke technique/correction consultation.
To apply for ACTIVESG free membership please visit:

Terms for school holidays
Our lessons are on-going throughout the school holidays therefore monthly fees are still payable to continue the course with Fun splash swim school. Students who stopped for a month or more due to holiday and re-join back after holidays will need to re-register on our website. $30 registration fee is applicable. (Vouchers will not be accepted.)

Covid measures 
Students and parents need to adhere to all safety measures guidelines according to the Ministry of Health. Practice personal hygiene and do not bring your child for lesson if they are experiencing cough, sore throat or running nose. They should see a doctor.

Programme outline.
Your child will be taking the Swimsafer programme recognized by the Ministry of Education. There are a total of 6 stages and each stage takes about 4 to 5 months to complete. Students will take a test conducted by Fun Splash swim school consisting of both theory and practical. Upon passing, they will receive a certificate which can be retrieve from ActiveSG account.
Fun Splash conducts the programme in groups of 10, age group 5 to 7. This is to promote peer learning simulate real time situation. Research has also shown students learnt best in class group setting.  However, Fun Splash will feedback to parents if child needs individual lesson or smaller group if child's attention span is short.

Recommended age group to start learning how to swim is 4+ as child is developing both fine and gross motor skills as well as the ability to understand instructions. Having the child learn before the age of 3 is more of water play than actual learning process. Fun Splash swim school offers play group classes for building water confidence through sensory play and guided discovery on every Saturday evening 3pm to 4pm. The duration for each playground class is 20mins at $30 monthly. All registration will be on first-come-first-serve basis. 
You may register your interest by submitting this form. The play group is cap at 5 children in a group of same age group.

Sports science
Our program utilizes a scientific evidence-based approach, supported by the principles of sports science. All of our primary coaches possess a degree in sports science. By implementing the long-term athlete development (LTAD) model, we have successfully nurtured exceptional swimmers over the years, beginning with their early stages of learning to swim. These swimmers have excelled in prestigious competitions such as the Singapore National Age Group Championships and have also represented their schools in the National School Games. The feedback we have received highlights the enjoyable, inventive, and captivating nature of our lessons.

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Awards: Top 100 Prestige award & Business service & Quality award in Singapore
Student's name
Age *
Gender *
Any swim certificates? If yes, please indicate which Swimsafer stage.
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Preferred time slot (You may choose more than one preferred time slot) *
This section is only applicable for students after attaining Swimsafer Gold award. We will get in touch with you to provide further details on the course.
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**Terms and conditions. 

Thank you for enrolling your child with us. Our admin will be contacting you in the next one or two days. The following information are important to you:

Things to bring: 

1) ACTIVESG e-receipt for verification 

2) Sun block 

3) Water bottle 

4) Towel 

5) Toiletries 

6) Please try to bring exact cash for the following 

*$12 for school's swim cap ( Compulsory ) 

 $16 for standard swim board ( If you have placed order, or if you paid       online please provide e-receipt) 

$20 for swim goggles ( If you have placed order, or if you paid  online please provide e-receipt) 

7) ACTIVE SG app is needed for pool entrance. If you are not a member  yet, please register at . Please register before coming for  class. 

* Free for new sign ups.


1) Proper swim wear ( Preferably thermal wear for kids.) 

2) No t-shirts or shorts allowed. Beach shorts are not recommended as it  increases drag and affects swim progress. 

Preferred communication 

- Please email us should you have  any enquiries. Do allow 2-3 working days for us to get back to you. 

Registration fee

There will be a registration fee of $30 for new sign ups. Upon registration you will receive an exclusive swim cap from us. 

Change of class time 

- Change of class time is discouraged however if needed, please drop us an email. We will contact you if there are any available slots.


- Fun Splash Swim School prepares every student for the Swimsafer 2.0  certification recognised by the Ministry of education. Most local schools  need students to present swim safer certificates at Primary 3 to allocate them  at the appropriate level. Your child will have a head start by acquiring the  certification with us. 

- There are six stages for this program. Each stage takes about 4 to 5  months ( full attendance) to complete starting from when the child is confident in  water. Confidence in water means being able to float independently without aid. - Once your child is ready to take the Swimsafer stage test, we will hand  out the hard copy registration form during class time. 

- For consistent improvement, we urge every student to attend all  swimming lessons whether it's pool or dry land exercises. Our coaches are  dedicated to providing best coaching practices and professionalism towards  our students. We will inform the parent if the child needs more time to build  water confidence. 

June & December policy 

Our lessons are on-going throughout the school holidays therefore monthly fees are still payable to continue the course with Fun splash swim school. Students who stopped for a month or more due to traveling for holidays and re-join back after holidays will need to re-register on our website. A re-registration fee of $30 is applicable. Vouchers issued are for new enrolled students. It is not eligible to offset registration fees. A re-registration student is not classified as a new registration.

Terms & conditions 

• First lesson is in the first week of the month.

• There is one lesson per week (Sat/Sun). 4 lessons per month, No lesson  on 5th Sat/Sun 

• No lesson on public holiday, there will be no pro-rate of fees for PH. ( If  there is a fifth week on the week of PH, there will be lessons on the fifth  week.) 

• Dry land lessons will be conducted in the event of bad weather If bad weather happens consecutively for 2 lessons, Fun Splash Swim  School will provide complimentary lessons for students who are present on  that day. Complimentary lessons are based on schools’ discretion. • Make up class only with submission of valid MC (photocopy or original) to  the coach. 

• For safety reasons, all students must buy swim cap ($12) from our coach  on the 1st lesson 

• Lesson fees payments need to be paid using ACTIVESG wallet at the last  week of the month for the preceding month. Reminders will be sent out.  There will be a late charge of $5 if payments are done after the due date. For  safety reasons, your child will not be able to join the swim class if swim  fees have not been made. 

• Please do not 'drop-off' your child and leave the pool. Parents are  required to pick up their child after the lesson. Students will be deem to be with  their parents once class is over. 

• All lessons will be 45 mins. 

• Please note that there will be no make-up lessons if the student does not turn  up for lesson, unless on medical leave. 

• Insurance – Students need to have their own personal accident  insurance (PA). Fun splash swim school has a collaboration with AIA  Singapore, with a complimentary PA pan for a limited period. Please click on  to register. 

• Parent’s/Guardian’s consent are required for participants below 21 years of  age on date of the enrolment. 

• Our coaches adhere to all safety requirements and standards with  professionalism. Lessons are conducted to the best interest of your child.  Therefore, please refrain from coaching your child by the side as this will  affect the learning process, learning to be independent.

• By payment of the fees, I consent to the applicant (name in the  attendance list), who is my child/ward* participating in the SwimSafer 2.0  program and accepting all legal and other responsibilities connected with the  SwimSafer program conducted by Fun splash swim school Pte Ltd. I hereby indemnify and agree to keep Fun Splash Swim School, its  management, and organizers’ of the event fully indemnified against all  claims, loss or damage whatsoever in respect of my child’s/ward’s loss of  life, injury, disability or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from any  cause in connection with the SwimSafer program or his/her participation  therein. 

Fun splash swim school (hereinafter referred to as "the School") reserves the right to amend its policies, terms, and conditions. The School acknowledges its prerogative to modify, update, or revise any aspect of its policies, terms, and conditions as deemed necessary for the efficient and effective operation of the swim school.

 Amendments may be implemented at the sole discretion of the school and may include, but are not limited to, changes in scheduling, fees, instructional methods, safety protocols, and any other pertinent aspects related to the provision of swimming lessons.

 All enrolled participants, guardians, and stakeholders are advised to regularly review the school's policies, terms, and conditions to stay informed about any updates or changes. Continued participation in Fun Splash Swim School programs following the publication of such amendments implies acceptance of the revised policies, terms, and conditions.

( Please email the medical leave to

• For other enquiries please email to

Parent's name *
Parent's contact number *
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