Fall Sharing Registration Form
Questions? - Contact  nctae2@gmail.com
For more information about Covid Protocols visit this link:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tsq7SOtJakYmsKH2RsJePE1m_LwZb8ue/view?usp=sharing
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Last Name *
First Name *
Please update my contact information *
Check if any of your contact info has changed from last year
Preferred Email Address *
An invoice or receipt is sent to this address, so check your spam folder if it doesn't show up
Principal's email address
We would like to send an email to your supervisor to let them know of your participation in Fall Sharing
School/Organization *
School/Organization Address *
City and State *
ZIP Code *
School district *
Preferred Phone *
I teach (check all that apply.) *
Friday Dutch Treat Lunch *
I plan to attend Friday's master class(es) *
Saturday Lunch is included in your fees.  Please specify below if you have any dietary restrictions.  We will try our best to accommodate you. *
Specify allergies here.
Fees (includes yearly dues) *
Optional Tax Deductible Donation to NCTAE (enter amount below) amount
If you are a first time attendee, how did you hear about NCTAE Fall Sharing?
Choose payment method  - Print for your records *
To pay via PayPal, credit or debit, press the submit button then continue to https://www.nctae.com/shop-1 to access PayPal.  If paying with school check please include your name.  Mail checks to NCTAE P.O. Box 16662; Asheville, NC 28816-0662.  Pre-payment is encouraged to save time in line at the conference.  Company invoices and receipts are manually generated and may take a day or two for the treasurer to send. However, Paypal transactions do generate automatic sales receipts.
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