Join WOO Force
Make crypto more than a hobby and join WOO Force today! Once you have completed the form, you will be given the WOO Force role in - If you're application is accepted, you will receive the role within 7 days of completing this form.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What name do you want to be referred to as? *
Your WOO X User ID (5 or 6 digit number found on account page)

*if you don't have one, share your wallet, but you won't be allowed to get content bounties
What's your email address? (the one you used to register on WOO X)
Which country do you live in? *
Which WOO Force role are you most interested in? *
Which areas fit your expertise the best? Select all that apply.
Please tell us a bit about yourself.
Your channels of influence (if any): Please provide valid links to your profiles
Please provide your Discord ID (eg: Name#1234) *
Please provide your Telegram handle (eg @name1234) *
Please provide the name or Discord ID of the person who referred you to WOO Force (leave blank if not applicable). 
You're done! Be sure to join the WOO discord (

If your application is accepted, you will receive the WOO Force role within 7 days. 
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