Wow Words      Cloze Test       Week 19    11/02/21
Choose the correct wow word for each of the following:
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1. Many people find snakes and rats_________. *
1 point
2. Marys efforts to reconcile with her friend were  curtly ______________ every time. *
1 point
3. On my early morning walk the only sound was the ________ of horses through the fields. *
1 point
4. The student came up with an_________ excuse that the dog ate her homework for the teacher. *
1 point
5. The nearer the time came for Jane to present her project to the class the more________ she grew. *
1 point
6. The mother always made sure the children would_______ their seatbelts before beginning any car journey. *
1 point
7. Everyone avoided the villain in the movie because of his_________ personality. *
1 point
8. Joe______ gathered all his belongings together as the school bus pulled up outside the window. *
1 point
9. I slept________ the night before the big maths exam. *
1 point
10. The robbers attempts to___________ the police were quickly foiled. *
1 point
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