AuditRunner Survey
Would you walk us through your GRC journey and we might walk you through chocolate making for your team!
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Email *
Do you reside in the U.S.? *
What is your oversight responsibility in your current organization? *
What has been the main focus area of your GRC  process this past year? *
What is your first strategic priority for the next year? *
What is causing you to prioritize that as an initiative? *
Can you help us understand your biggest challenge in obtaining this priority? *
What would you need to change in order to prevent this from achieving your strategic priorities? *
How do you respond to the regulatory and organizational changes in terms of your GRC operations? *
Which of the benefits of using a low-code software would help you become more resilient at the GRC Team and Company Levels? *
What was the one thing you wished your GRC software had as a feature, during the Pandemic? *
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