Freelance Translators Registration Form
Please fill in the information in this registration form as concise as possible. We are interested in knowing about your specialization/s. Relevant test material will be sent according to your answers.
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Pair 1 Source language *
(only one language)
Pair 1 Target language *
(only one language)
Mother tongue *
(only one language)
Main specialities: *
(4 maximum)
First Name: *
Last Name: *
E-mail address: *
Phone: *
Don't forget to indicate the area code ( +XX - XX - XXXXXXXX)
Instant Messaging: *
Skype, MSN, Live, Yahoo. Write type of IM and username
Address: *
Complete (Address, City, Country)
Time  Zone: *
(currency for both translation and proof)
Translation rate (per source word): *
(per  source word) please use 0.XX format
Proofreading rate (per source word):
(per  source word) please use 0.XX format -  N/A if not applicable
CAT Tools: *
List the CAT Tools you use for translation
Accreditations and certifications:
GDPR Consent *
Baguette Translations would like to obtain your consent to the data practices and information collection as described in our Privacy Policy ( for the purpose of registering you as a freelance linguist.
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