/r/ApplyingToCollege Verification
This form should be used by unverified admissions officers and private admissions consultants to become formally verified by the moderators. Upon verification, users will receive a custom flair to show that they're verified.
The guidelines for private admissions consultants are the following:
– User must not share any specific content about their service or website
– User must obtain at least 200 comment/post karma on /r/ApplyingToCollege to receive a "Verified" flair.
Note: If user obtains at least 400 comment/post karma on /r/ApplyingToCollege, they may be eligible to receive a custom flair (with service/product name).
There is no karma threshold for admissions officers though we'd like all admissions officers to be verified. For the additional proof, there is no required format as long as it is very clear that you are the submitting user and are a private admissions consultant / admissions officer.