Webinar on IPR for Patenting Innovation and Invention by WCSF

Intellectual Property Rights is a burgeoning sector that not only protects owners, artists, and writers in safeguarding their work, but also opens up a slew of opportunities for young people with legal or technical backgrounds. Whereas the patent grants its owner an exclusive right to prevent others from taking advantage of the owner's creative idea, the knowledge to Patent’s grants a good career opportunity to legal and tech students.

This webinar will also provide a guide and discuss our upcoming course on Patents and attendees will get amazing discounts.  

Speaker - Sandeep Gupta (Patent Agent and Advocate)

Mr. Sandeep Gupta is a Patent Agent and Advocate who is highly skilled in Intellectual Property matters specifically related to Patents including their drafting, prosecution, analytics and much more.

He is an alumnus, Faculty of Law, University of Delhi and currently working as IPR Attorney at UFLEX Limited. He has also worked as Examiner of Trademarks with the office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks.

Date - 24th July, 2022
Platform - WCSF's YouTube Channel

This webinar is Free of Cost.
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