Graduation application for the Seattle Basic Glacier Travel Course
For more information please see the "Graduation and Extensions" page in your course handbook.

Requirements to fill out this application:
♦ Attend all course lectures and field trips, and successfully finish all skills assessments during the field trips
♦ Finish a conditioner hike in the stipulated time
♦ Summit at least one glacier climb with The Mountaineers

Other requirements (if you don't have all of these then still fill out this application)
♦ Basic Navigation badge
♦ Wilderness First Aid badge
♦ Stewardship badge ‐ support the outdoor environment with 1 day of stewardship
♦ Low‐Impact Recreation badge (online)
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Email *
First and last name *
Which badges do you have in your Mountaineers profile?
if you don't have all of these then still fill out this application.
If you do NOT have all of the badges listed above then please describe when you plan to complete them
Conditioner hike *
When was it, what was the destination/summit, and what is the trip leader's name
Glacier climb with The Mountaineers *
When was it, what was the destination/summit, and what is the trip leader's name
Interested in End-of-Season Potluck/Party
Let's get together and celebrate our accomplishments!
Anything else you want us to know
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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