ACERT Writing Groups – Spring 2024

Join us for weekly writing groups during the spring semester! Any time during the spring semester is the perfect time to join our groups.

This Spring we're offering three weekly meeting times:

-Mon evening 7-8:30pm (on Zoom)
-Wed morning 9:30am-12pm (on campus at the Faculty Center)
-Fri morning 9-10:30am (on Zoom)

How does it work?

At the beginning of each session, we’ll do a 15-minute check-in, during which we'll share our writing intentions for the day. And then we'll leave the room open for accountability and quiet time to write. Coffee, tea, and snacks will be available during in-person sessions at the Faculty Center on the 5th floor of the Cooperman Library.

What's new this semester?

We’ve made some changes to our Wednesday morning sessions in the Faculty Center! Quiet writing time will wrap up around 12pm, and we invite participants to stick around and chat about their projects and more over a brown bag lunch.

All Hunter faculty and staff are welcome to participate in one or more groups. Join in the way that makes the most sense to you!

Questions? Contact us at

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