Co-op workforce survey
MCDC Cooperative Workforce survey to greater understand workforce attraction and retention issues facing the cooperative business community.
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What type of Co-op are you?
What is your service area? Please check which applies best. If other, please be specific.
How many years has your Cooperative been operating?
Number of Full Time employees
What is your Average Entry Level Wage?
What is your Average Mid-level Management Wage?
What is your Average High-Level Management Wage?
Do you offer Benefits? If other, please be specific
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What type of benefits do you offer? Please check all that apply. If other, please be specific.
What is the average age of your workforce?
Have you seen an increase or decrease in employee retention in the last 3 years vs the last 5 years?
What positions in Management Operations do you see a need for?( Mark all that apply)  If other, please be specific.
What positions in Business and Financial Operations  do you see a need to fill? (Mark all that apply) If other, please be specific.
What positions in Technical/Technician do you see a need to fill? (Mark all that apply) If other, please be specific.
What entry level positions do you see a need to fill? (Mark all that apply) If other, please be specific.
What is your average time to fill positions? If other, please specify.
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Are you confident in the overall quality of workforce that is applying to your organization? If other, please specify.
What are the top three external issues that you feel affect your attraction of workforce?
What are the top 3 internal issues that affect your retention of workforce?
Do you offer continuing training options to your employees at all levels of employment? If other, please specify.
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Do you actively recruit? If other, please specify
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How do you recruit?  Check all that apply. If other, please specify.
Do you offer your employees the opportunity to grow in the company from entry level to upper management? If other, please specify.
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Do you actively recruit new Board members?
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What is the average age of your Board members?
Do you have a succession plan in place for Board Membership? If other, please specify.
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Would you like tools to help with Board succession planning? If other, please be specific
Do you have an apprenticeship program and if Yes, please describe.
Are you interested in participating in an non-traditional Apprenticeship program in order to strengthen the future of workforce attraction? If so please add your contact information and we will reach out to you.
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If you are not interested in participating or learning about a non-traditional Apprenticeship program could you please share why?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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