Joint Venture Insider Show - Application for Upcoming Promotion Coverage
The Joint Venture Insider Show is a joint project of Michael Whitehouse, The Guy Who Knows a Guy, and the Joint Venture Insider Circle.

In the first phase of the show, host Michael Whitehouse will share upcoming promotions and launches that viewers may be interested in promoting to their audiences.

The show will highlight high achieving affiliates, as well as upcoming launches and other opportunities for affiliate participation.

In the second block of each show will be a 5-15 minute interview. Guests will include successful affiliates, leaderboard leaders, offer owners, and others who can provide valuable insights to the world of affiliate/JV promotions. Maybe even you?

If you would like us to invite people to participate in your promotions, we will need a 2nd tier affiliate link.
You should also set Michael up as a 1st tier affiliate under the email because I will be speaking of your program in glowing terms that may entice some in the audience to jump in.

While not required, it would be greatly appreciated if you could share the show out to your audience when you are featured on it.

Please fill out the form completely. Incomplete applications will not be featured.
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Name *
Company *
Email *
For internal use only - this email will receive notifications of episodes as they come out
Would you like us to cover an upcoming promotion on the JVI Show? *
Clicking yes Michael Whitehouse and ConCardia LLC permission to use your company and product names and logos to identify and cover your promotion and leaderboard activities on the show.
Link to an image(s) that we should use on the slide
We may pull other information from this for slides or background info
Describe the promotion period
Program Name
How should I describe your program? *
Please put this in a format that I can just read on the air
Price of program, commission, and incentives *
Please format so I can read on the air
Text to include on the slide for your program
This should be a brief. Headline, tagline, or simple description.
What is the 2nd tier affiliate link we should use?
Programs without 2nd tier affiliate may not be featured
1st tier affiliate link to promote your offer or link to sign up as affiliate *
What did you share above? *
Describe your company
How big was your last leaderboard promotion?
Clear selection
Are you willing to share details? *
After the promotion is complete, it would be great to share details such as total opt ins, total sales, total commission paid out, EPC/EPL, closing ratio, or any other data that could be valuable to others in the space to improve their own business. The more you are willing to share, the more we will talk about you on the air.
Are you interested in opportunities to be a show sponsor?
Clear selection
Are you interested in being interviewed on the show?
Clear selection
Anything else we should know about you or this promotion
Clear form
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