GYBN Membership Registration for Individuals
The Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) is an international network of youth organizations and individuals from all over the world whose common goal is to prevent the loss of biodiversity.

GYBN aims to represent the voice of global youth in the negotiations under the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), raise awareness among young people of the values of biodiversity and connect individuals and youth organizations in order to build a global coalition to halt the loss of biodiversity. We are committed to bringing the opinions and positions of young people into the political arena, empowering young people to take action. GYBN seeks to inspire global youth and future leaders to work for sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity for a healthy environment and society.
In order to achieve our common goal, GYBN also engages with young people on the ground. We have several regional and national chapters where young people can actively get involved in on the ground conservation work as well as political processes on the national and regional level.

There is no membership fee to join GYBN!

PLEASE NOTE: All of the information that you share with us through this form will be kept strictly confidential and will only be used for the following purposes:
(1) Official registration as a member of GYBN
(2) Determination of your eligibility to take part in the GYBN elections
(3) Improving and enhancing GYBN's capabilities to accommodate member's needs and to provide you with a global networking platform for young people active on biodiversity issues

No information will be disclosed to any third party without your prior consent!

ORGANZATIONS that are active on Biodiversity are also more than welcome to join GYBN!
We are very keen to involve organizations in our network and wish to support them in their activities to protect Biodiversity and would like to offer them a platform to exchange experiences and project ideas with other NGOs.

If you should have any questions or experience problems with filling out this form, please contact us at: gybnsteeringcommittee AT gmail DOT com
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Email *
The provision of the following information is mandatory in order to register with GYBN and to become entitled to vote and run in elections.
1. First name *
2. Family name *
4. Date of birth (YYYY/MM/DD) *
Only members younger than thirty years old are allowed to take part in the GYBN election process. However, people over the age of thirty are also welcome to join GYBN but cannot run or vote in elections. There is no minimum age to join GYBN but due to legal reasons, only people who are at least 18 years old can run for a position in GYBN elections.
5. Gender *
6. Nationality *
7. Country of Residence *
8. City of Residence *
9. Affiliation *
Organization/Institution/Company/University, etc.
10. Website of Organization *
Type 'NA' if not available.
11. Position in organization/university/company... *
e.g. Steering committee member, undergraduate student, "general" member, etc.
Join GYBN's Local, National and Regional Chapters
A national or regional chapter is
- a group of individuals or youth organizations who wish to work more closely together in order to create positive impact on the national or subnational level
- serves as coordination platforms for youth to actively engage in biodiversity issues and the CBD
- spreads GYBN’s vision and mission on the ground

12. Would you be interested to join your country's chapter? (provided it exists already)
13. Would you also like to join your regional chapter?  (provided it exists already)
Membership type/Commitment level
14. Membership Type *
The provision of the following data is voluntary. You are not obliged to fill out these sections, however in order to learn more about our members' needs and expectations towards GYBN, we would greatly appreciate if you could share some further information with us.
15. What topics are you interested in? *
You can select multiple interests.
Contact Information
In order to inform you about biodiversity-related events/projects etc. in your vicinity and to better connect you with other young people working on biodiversity, we would be glad if you could share some contact details with us. No information will be disclosed to third parties without your prior consent.

16. Street Address
Street name and house number
17. Postal Code
18. WhatsApp Number
Please add the country code
19. Skype name
20. Occupation
Motivation to join the network
21. Why do you want to join GYBN?
22. What do you hope GYBN can do for you?
23. Do you have any initial ideas to help improve GYBN?
Expertise & Interests
In order to better attend member's needs and expectations, we would like to know you better!
24. Academic/Professional Background
25. Are you engaged in any voluntary activities related to biodiversity?
e.g. Conservation project, campaigns, research, ...
Clear selection
Please describe these activities
26. Do you possess special skills that you would like to share with the network?
e.g. project management, webdesign, programming, lobbying or advocacy skills, fundraising, press & communication, marketing, photography, photoshop, video etc.
Any other information
27. Is there any further information that you wish to share with the network?
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