Players Code of Conduct
1. I will behave appropriately at all games and tournaments. I will respect the volunteers and property of the host site and understand I represent the Big Lake Fast Pitch Association.
2. I will NOT argue with umpires, opponents, fans or coaches. I understand my job is to play the game.
3. I will support my teammates and coaches. I understand that bullying, spreading rumors, treating a team member in a disrespectful manner or behaving in any way that divides the team is unacceptable.
4. I will encourage good sportsmanship and will not trash talk opponents or their fans.
5. I will be on time for practices and games and will give 100% effort. I understand that practice is a time to learn, not socialize.
6. I understand that travel softball does not always mean equal play-time. My coach may reduce my game playing time for being late or unexcused absence from practice or games.
7. Consequences or Non-Compliance with this contract: If a player does not, cannot or will not comply with the above guidelines and team rules as specified by the head coach, that coach may:
A. Reduce playing time
B. Bench the player
In cases where this contract is repeatedly or deliberately violated the BLFPA Board may:
A. Suspend a player from the team for the remainder of the season.
B. Review status of player for following season.

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I have read the above contract and understand the guidelines and consequences as stated:
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