Looking to the future of live performance in Second Life
Many of us enjoy live performance and perform different roles, but we'd like to organize these answers into three categories - performers, venue owners/organizers, and attendees/listeners/fans.  Please select one role or perspective and answer the questions from that point of view.  

Please don't forget to hit the SUBMIT button when you are done!  You will get a confirmation reply on this page once you submit.

Thank you in advance for helping!

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 I am answering as: *
Based on your experience, what's working really well now?  In other words, what would you NOT change?
What needs to be FIXED and why?
What services, features or options need to be ADDED to improve your experience overall?
In your opinion, what is the MOST IMPORTANT CHANGE to be made in the next 6 months?
Please rank the following issues from 1 to 10 in terms of improving the overall live performance experience - from planning, promotion, holding the event, and follow up.  1 means "this is the lowest priority".   10 means "this is the highest priority".
Remove the current group size limit of 25.  
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Improve the functionality and reliablity of group notices and group chat. It should work 99.99% of the time.
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Make the event listing system available and sharable on the web, more easily searched, more flexible, better organized and easier to use.
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Double the existing avatar per sim limits on all estate types.
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Allow the live performance creators to sell content on XSTREET - this includes digital downloads for music and videos as well as sponsorships and tickets for ticketed events.
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Do you have anything else to add?
NOTE: If not, please do not forget to "SUBMIT" your answers!
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