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Your Name *
*you may enter 'anonymous' if you do not wish to share your name
Your Email (optional)
this is entirely optional - Prayer Ministry leaders do not typically email those submitting prayer requests, but it can be helpful if we need to clarify something.  your email will NOT be shared beyond the Prayer Ministry leaders or for any other purpose.
Prayer Request:
*if you have more than one request, please consider submitting separate prayer request forms for each.
How would you like to share your prayer request? *
Please note that for the confidential requests, the Prayer Team will pray specifically for each request for approximately one month. Posts to the Weekly Prayer Community List will only be published for the week they are submitted.
Is this an update to a previous prayer request?
We welcome new requests as well as updates for previously submitted concerns (for both confidential prayers and those posted to the Prayer Community List), so please feel encouraged to submit updates as appropriate.
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Would you like to join others in the Crozet UMC family in being a prayer partner for others?
We are called to be in prayer for and with each other.
If you are interested in being a prayer partner for others, then you can do that by subscribing to our Weekly Prayer Community Email List and devoting time to lifting up the cares, concerns, and celebrations shared each week.
please add your email below to subscribe to our weekly email list (sent via MailChimp)
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