2024 Yard Sale
On May 11, The Greater Brookland Intergenerational Village will participate in the Brookland Neighborhood Civic Association's annual Great Brookland Yard Sale. You are welcome to donate your beloved, yet no longer needed, items to The Greater Brookland Intergenerational Village (GBIV) and we will sell them during the yard sale. All proceeds will benefit GBIV and we will donate any unsold items.

Please fill out this short form so we know what to expect.
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Email *
Your name *
I will be able to drop off my items between 8:30 and 10am on May 11th, THE DAY OF THE YARD SALE. Exact location in Brookland will be shared with you ahead of time. *
What items will you be donating? (Check as many as applies) *
About how many items will you be donating? Think in terms of garbage size bags.  *
Anything else we should know to be prepared?
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