If you see or suspect harmful or unethical behavior, you may report your concerns by contacting us.
Please note:
Under federal law, only a current student or employee; a person who is currently participating or attempting to participate in Bullitt County Public Schools' education programs or activities; or the parent, guardian or authorized legal representative who has a legal right to act on behalf of a current student, employee, or participant in Bullitt County Public Schools' education programs or activities may use the formal complaint process to initiate an investigation.
This form provides the opportunity for students, staff, or parents to report violations of Board Policy 09.42811, 03.162 or 03.262 and to secure an equitable and prompt resolution. This procedure shall be implemented in compliance with the appropriate Board Policy and shall be used to document all complaints, whether addressed informally or formally. If you wish to submit a paper form instead, please contact a school administrator or call 502-869-8000.
We do not track users of this reporting service. You can choose to provide your name or remain anonymous. Depending on the nature of the reported incident (i.e., Bullying or Harassment, Cybersecurity Concern, Discrimination, Racial Intolerance, and Sexual Harassment), you may be required to provide your contact information. If you remain anonymous, Bullitt County Public Schools will not be able to reach you and may not be able to fully investigate your concerns. Be informed that your identity may become known based on information you provide.
Retaliation of any kind against anyone who reports a concern is a violation of BCPS’ principles and will not be tolerated.
The report will be provided to the appropriate administrator for follow-up, review, and/or investigation. In some instances, it may be necessary to include school administration or a departmental management team in the resolution process. Resolutions will be obtained as expediently as possible; however, based on the type of incident reported, the review and/or investigation process may be extended.
Students/parents wishing to initiate a complaint concerning discrimination in the delivery of benefits or services in the district's school nutrition program should go to the link below or maila written complaint to the US Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue S.W., Washington D.C., 20250-9410, or email program.intake@usda.gov. http://www.ascr.usda.gove/complaint_filing_cust.html