Set Builders
→ This Application is for the role-play studio Building sets! Building sets is a role-play building team of supporters who volunteer their time in order to help Phoenix Bloom // Minecraft Roleplays make Their content. All volunteers will be credited! We are currently accepting:

- Builders

This team works on ranking system, so you always have the chance to climb the ranks of the studio to be given more responsibility/power within the team and the ability to learn more on how to make role-plays/how to run channel and team, the builder's I'm looking for can work for free so if you can't do it for free then this application is not for you.


2. Must be 18 years or older
3. You must have Minecraft Java
4. Must be able to run 14+ mods
5. Must have a Java Minecraft account if you are applying for a Builder
6. Must know how to install mods if you are applying for a Builder.
7. You must send me your builds from Imgur
8. The secret word is Pineapple.


Discord is how we contact you if we want you on our team! So if you don’t mind please tell us thanks :)
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What is your discord username
Show me exterior of your build
Show me Interior of your build
Why do you want to be a set builder
When did you start building
Have you helped building sets for anyone who's doing Minecraft Roleplays if so who did you help with
Do you know how to use chisel and bits
Do you enjoy building
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What is the best thing about building
What is the secret word
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