Register as an EYP Alumna/us!
Hello there,

We are happy to see that you are interested in becoming more involved in the EYP's Alumni Network!

Through this form you can let us know your name and email address, so that we can keep you in the loop on the latest events and activities organised by and for EYP Alumni. We use Mailchimp as our mailing service.

You can also opt out of the newsletter and still let us know your name and information such as your first and last session, so that you are noted in our archives as an Alumnus/a.

Don't forget that you can join our EYP Alumni Facebook group ( and LinkedIn group (, for posting throwback photos, asking questions, or sharing opportunities with fellow EYP Alumni!

Please note that this service is for EYP Alumni only. EYP Alumni are EYPers that are no longer active.

 If you are interested in becoming involved as an active member, this is not the mailing list for you - instead, reach out to the national EYP organisation active in your country. We also invite you to follow us on social media, like on Facebook:, Instagram: and Twitter:

If you have any questions or suggestions for the Alumni Network, you can reach the International Office at
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What is your name? *
What is your surname? *
Your city of residence
Your country of residence
What is your profession?
When and where did your first EYP session take place?
e.g. NSC Prague 2008
If you do not recall the exact time and place, do not worry. We simply want an overview of when our Alumni were approximately active
When and where did your last EYP session take place?
e.g. IS Tbilisi 2017                                                              

If you do not recall the exact time and place, do not worry. We simply want an overview of when our Alumni were approximately active.
What was your National Committee when you were active?

Please use the two-letter country code, for instance DE, UK, NL, BE, etc.
I would like to receive updates regarding the Alumni Network via email.
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I would like to receive updates regarding the Alumni Network with this email:
Consent to storage of data:

I authorise the European Youth Parliament to store my data for the purpose of receipt of Alumni updates. The data will not be passed on to third parties. I am free, at any time, to withdraw my approval to this form via
Consent to sharing of data with National Committee:

By clicking yes, I authorise the International Office of the European Youth Parliament to share my contact details with the national EYP organisation that I was active in. I am free, at any time, to withdraw my approval to this via If you were not active under a specific National Committee, but would still like to have your information passed on to a national organisation because you want to be involved with them, let us know in the comment function.
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