Water Climate Survey 2022
Thank you for participating in the 2022 Water Climate Discussion 

We'd love to hear your thoughts on how we can help reach more positive tipping points in 2023.  It would also be hugely helpful to hear your feedback on the 2022 discussion.

If you would like to tell us who you are (particularly if you would like to join a specialist round table, or are volunteering to help with anything), please go to wcd.andeye.com/WCD2022survey where you can enter your email address and get a copy of your submission. Otherwise, if you complete this form without submitting your name or email address, your answers will be anonymous.
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What Next?  Water Climate Discussion 2023
What should we focus on at the next Water Climate Discussion?
When should we hold the next Water Climate Discussion?
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How would you like to participate in the next Water Climate Discussion?
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Any other suggestions for the 2023 Water Climate Discussion?
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