Take the Literacy Pledge
Thank you for taking the time to take the Literacy Pledge. For additional information, please visit dyslexianyc.org, where your responses will also be posted.

The Truth About Reading Instruction:
- 95% of all children can learn to read on grade level if given proper instruction (NIH)
- 65% of children require structured literacy to become skilled readers
- 60-80% of incarcerated individuals on Rikers Island aged 19-21 have reading and writing disabilities. (bit.ly/RikersDyslexia)
- In NYC, only 26% of students are reading on grade level by 8th grade. (NAPE test scores)

You can change this. Take the Literacy Pledge!
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Candidate Name *
Campaign Email Address *
Campaign Staff Name *
Campaign Staff Email *
Phone Number *
1. Do you agree that reading is a civil rights issue? With science proving that 95% of all children can learn to read at grade level if given the proper evidence-based structured literacy instruction, while disproportionate outcomes based on race and socio-economic background continue to feed the school to prison pipeline, will you commit to ensuring that all students receive this proven early literacy skills-based instruction? *
2. Will you implement universal dyslexia screening for all students in K-2nd grade? And do you believe that all students should receive at least a similar level of care to those entering the federal prison system, including dyslexia screening and evidence based instructional support? (First Step Act)     *
3. Will you require structured literacy curricula? Are you in favor of policy which requires use of an evidence-based reading/writing curriculum that is designed to teach the largest number of students to read and write in core instruction (Tier 1) in all K-12 schools? *
4. Will you hire a chancellor who believes in structured literacy and dyslexia screening? Will you commit to prioritizing, recruiting, hiring and training educators who believe in and practice structured literacy and evidence based curriculum? *
5. Will you commit to funding the full sequence of professional development in evidence-based structured literacy for K-5 teachers, including special ed, gen ed, and paraprofessionals, both training and retraining? *
6. Will you commit to ending the use of and/or phasing out any curricula which don’t align directly with evidence and scientific consensus, including all contracts with publishing companies pushing popular but not evidenced-based balanced literacy curricula (i.e. Lucy Calkin’s Units of Study, Teachers College Readers and Writers Program, Fountas & Pinnell’s Leveled Literacy Intervention and other non-science based literacy programs) and actively discourage their use in all NYC public schools? *
7. Will you allocate additional resources to support dyslexic/dysgraphic students and all students reading below grade level, including establishing schools dedicated to teaching dyslexic students? *
8. Will your administration work with parents to ensure every child receives the federally mandated supports they are entitled to by overhauling the evaluation, mandated services and impartial hearing systems? *
Please add any additional information about your literacy policies.
Thank you on behalf of LiteracyNOW Coalition -- NY State Senators Brad Hoylman and Robert Jackson, Assemblymembers Robert C. Carroll, Harvey Epstein and Jo Anne Simon and Manhattan Literacy Academy. Visit DyslexiaNYC.org for more info.
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