Polyvagal Parenting Application
I am SO glad you are here. 

Apply below for Polyvagal Parenting, a 3-month long program beginning on April 11th. Together in this intimate, small container we will learn about self-regulation and co-regulation so you can fully trust yourself and experience more joy as a parent. 

Because of the nature of this offering, spaces for Polyvagal Parenting are very limited. 

After you submit your application, I will be in touch with you to schedule a call together to discuss next steps.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
This program is a very sacred container. I accept applicants who are ready to rise up, and see themselves in a very clear way. This means that you may feel activated at times. This means that you may be asked to explore parts of you that are hard to look at. This is a rebirth, an expansion, a deep growth... and with that, sometimes growth can be challenging and intense. Does this feel aligned? *
What kind of work have you done already? (ie. therapy, another coaching program, etc.) *
Which best describes your parenting style:
Would you describe yourself as self-motivated? *
What does personal responsibility and personal accountability mean to you? *
Do you tend to practice the things that you learn and work to apply them to your own life? *
What are you hoping to get out of this coaching container? *
What is getting in the way of your parenting? *
How would you describe your current self in 3-5 words. *
What are your biggest challenges or obstacles in the way of your healing? *
Which one sounds most like you? *
The financial commitment of this group program is $2500 (with a payment plan available). Do you feel ready to make this investment? There is no wrong answer. *
Is there anything else you'd like me to know? *
Do you have any questions for me? *
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