RSVP Parent WKSP: College & Career, Thursday 4/13 @9:15am-10:30am Library
Please join us for our upcoming parent workshop: College & Career
Let's talk about your child's future! Learn what Venado and IUSD offer to help your child understand their passions and prepare for their path ahead. We will also discuss practical strategies for your parenting toolbox as you gear up for guiding them through high school. Bring a friend or two!

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Your First and Last Name *
Your Cell Number *
Your Child's Name *
How many parents are attending in your group? *
Indicate if you will you need a language interpreter or skip this question.
Comments or questions?  
Thank you for your RSVP, please mark your calendar for Thursday 3/16 @ 9:15am-10:30am! 
Please Note: A parking variance has been obtained from The City of Irvine, which allows parents to park on the school-side of Deerfield street starting at Doe Trail/Deer Creek and ending at Fawn Glenn/Deer Spring.
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