All Shook Up: School Edition Crew Sign Ups
If you are interested in being a part of the All Shook Up: School EditionĀ crew, please fill out this form.

As a crew member, you will assist with set building / scenic painting and work backstage during the performances. In addition, you will learn more about costumes, lighting, props, sound, and stage management.

Crew members will earn a half high school credit through the summer "Production" course.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Grade *
Email Address *
Please include an e-mail address where you can be reached. We will use your email address to communicate with you about the rehearsal schedule, venue changes, and other important production-related information.
Phone Number *
Please enter a phone number, with area code, at which you can be reached in the case of an emergency.
Primary Crew Committe Choice *
Regarding the production of All Shook Up: School Edition, what technical area interests you the most?
Other Crew Committiees *
All crew members will help with set building and scenic painting. In what other area would you be willing to assist for All Shook Up: School Edition, if we need it? Please check all that apply. :-)
Do you have any allergies or other medical conditions of which the directors should be aware? If so, please list them. *
Crew are expected to attend the first rehearsal on May 23rd from 2:45 p.m. - 6 p.m. Crew work will begin on Friday, July 19th at 10 a.m. Crew are expected to attend each rehearsal from July 20th - August 2nd. The performances run August 2nd - August 4th, with strike on August 5th. Please list any potential conflicts with the above dates. *
Shirt size *
The cost is $20 and is not included in the fee for the "Production" course.
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